Free your Internet today


With our service you will feel the true speed of external internet connections


We use advanced encryption tools to ensure the security of your web surfing


Get access to cool features like Instagram music, ChatGPT and many others

Choose your Plan

Take Your Internet Speed to the Next Level

By connecting to our network at, clients can significantly improve their connection speed to external resources while saving compared to their provider’s tariff plans. Our advanced infrastructure and optimized routing ensure faster and more efficient access to online services, websites, and content. Experience a seamless browsing and streaming experience with, where speed and savings go hand in hand.

ISP Bandwidth Bandwidth

Enhancing Access

At, we offer our clients the ability to access Instagram Music or ChatGPT, a features not available in Cambodia. Moreover, our network allows users from other countries to access local resources as if they were back in homeland*. Whether it’s connecting with the latest music trends or staying connected to the cultural pulse of their homeland, ensures seamless access

*-If a client doesn’t find their country on our available list, they can reach out to our support team, and we will strive to resolve their issue promptly.

Our network protects you from ads, trackers, and malware

Elevate your cybersecurity with the Threat Protection functionality offered by By connecting to our network, Threat Protection will consistently enhance the safety, speed, and fluidity of your internet browsing while ensuring your online activities remain untracked. Rest assured that you won’t have to concern yourself with downloading malicious software, managing intrusive trackers and ads, or accessing harmful URLs. Threat Protection will effectively neutralize these cyber risks before they have a chance to compromise your device or data.


How to start using
  • Test your ISP bandwidth, we make a simple manual
  • Choose a plan which will be best for you
  • Pay for subscription
  • Install software
  • When the payment proceeds, we will send you an email with the config file
  • Import config file to your device
  • Enjoy!
How many devices I could connect?

You can install software and import your config file for unlimited devices, but at the same time you will be able to connect to our secure network from only one device.